Abrucena reiseinformasjon og video

Ferieinformasjon, fakta, bilder og video om Abrucena

Featured ferieboliger i Almería provins


Abrucena is a small town in the Las Alpujarras, at the north-side of the Sierra Nevada, between the Sierra de Baza and Sierra Nevada. It is located in an area of outstanding beauty in the Sierra Nevada Natural Park.

It is an excellent destination for rural and eco tourists, with a wonderful mountainscape scenery, Moorish villages, and a wealth of flora and fauna.

The town dates back to Neolithic times and ceramic remains from this era have been in the region.

The town was occupied for two centuries by the Moors and then reconquered by the Marque de los Velez and his army. However, its Moorish occupation is evident in Abrucena’s architecture and monuments.

About town
Abrucena is a charming Moorish village, set at the foot of a mountain range. Its narrow winding streets, lined with whitewashed terrace houses, are a delight to explore.

The town has basic amenities of a supermarket, shops, a covered market, bars and restaurants.

Natural surroundings
Abrucena is located in the Sierra Nevada Nature Park, which is an area of immense scenic beauty and high ecological value.

The region is a Biosphere Reserve and features a mountain range, verdant valleys and a legacy from its settlers from over a thousand years ago.

Rural tourism has become popular in the area, and for those who want to partake in outdoor activities on their holiday: skiing, mountain-climbing, fishing, hike, rambling, canoeing, are all available in the area.

Eating out
The town has a few bars and restaurants, mainly traditional Andalusian cuisine and tapas.

Abrucena is set in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada mountain range, for this reason its climate is slightly cooler than the rest of Southern Spain. Winters can be snowy and cold and the summer can get very hot.





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